Springs For Spring

garage door springs

March 20, 2014 | Posted in Amarr, FAQ, International Door Association, Safety | By

Sometimes, Winter can be intimidating, and we didn’t want Spring to get the wrong idea, like we actually wanted a polar vortex for 6 months out of the year.




Before we explain some things about springs, it’s important to state that we were obsessed with anything else that involves a small motor and a belt a long time ago. Our parent company, Conveyor Installations, also located in Geneva, has been in business for more than 30 years. That’s a lot of mechanical experience, so we truly are your installation experts, which now, leads us to the topic of the blog, springs. Most garages have them, but not too many people know what they do, how they wind, and that a faulty spring is the reason for most garage door repairs.

What does a garage door spring do?

Even before the opener and the chain, the spring is responsible for the majority of the leg work of opening and closing your garage door. It is also one of the most dangerous mechanical mechanisms in your house. Even for our technicians, when they are winding new springs, they use special tools and extreme caution to ensure their safety.

If my springs are noisy, does that mean they need to be replaced?

No, not necessarily. Again, anyone should use extreme caution when going anywhere near garage springs, but if you’d like to spray them with a lubrication, DO NOT USE WD-40! It is actually a degreaser, what you need is a lithium-based spray, found at the Geneva Ace Hardware. If the noise continues, then it’s time to call 1-800-Tek-Teks!


Understanding the components of your garage door can save you time and money, especially if you’re dealing with Joe Schmo The Garage Door Man who might try and rip you off. At AAA DoorTeks, we’re not only mechanical fanatics with the ability to fix any garage door, we strive for exceptional customer service paired with exceptional value. Our technicians take their jobs very seriously, and we pride them on being polite, punctual and well-versed in customer service. Just like our website, Facebook page, and blog, if you have questions as to why you shouldn’t grease the track of your garage, or why torsion springs are responsible for garage door malfunctions, we want you to know! We look forward to educating you and answering all your questions. We’re always available at info@aaadoorteks.com

The Sun Will Come out Tomorrow

March 7, 2014 | Posted in Door Fun, Safety | By

Shirley Temple knew best, it is time for an extra hour of daylight!



Springing forward & Daylight Saving Time happens every year, but this year, after a Winter that makes Chicagoans question their life choices, it is especially important to imagine the light at the end of the tunnel that is March 20, 2014. Hang in there, Geneva, we got this!

During this time of year, we’re either doing Spring preventative maintenance and tune-ups on garage doors, or replacing garage doors and openers that were, well, not tuned-up in the last Fall. Our advice is to take advantage of the former, with our PM plans to adjust your springs, rollers, sensors, opener, and to make sure your door is landing evenly on the floor of your garage.

Fat Paczki Tuesday!

March 4, 2014 | Posted in Door Fun | By

It’s Fat Paczki Tuesday!

If your business, club or family is looking to build team morale, Fat Paczki Tuesday is probably the best day to start. Some say that in order to create cohesion amongst your co-workers, you must have “Employee Of The Month” or “Bring-Your-Kitty-To-Work-Day”. At AAA DoorTeks, all we need are two boxes full of Paczkis from Orginal Country Donuts in Elgin. Oh, and the employee that brought in those delicious Polish puffs-of-happiness? He’s automatically Employee of the Year.

If you’ve been living a Paczki-less-existence, and unsure what Paczski can do for you, we’re here to enlighten.



Historically, Fat Tuesday, or as French call it, “Mardi Gras”, was a chance for Catholics to eat all the sugar & fat in their house before  Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. Religious or not, we know a good holiday when we taste one! Today, we indulge, eating all the bacon in sight, maybe even a KFC Double Down (do they still make those?) and then use Lent to practice self control & detox!

…But first, you just HAVE to grab a box of Paczkis!