International Door Association 2014

January 20, 2014 | Posted in International Door Association, Safety, Uncategorized | By aaadoorteks
There is something rejuvenating about January. A fresh start, new goals, failing to work out 5 days a week like I promised I would on December 31st; it’s great! But personal resolutions aside, January at AAA DoorTeks has been non-stop with expanding our clientele, new partnerships and new products.
What allows a business to thrive and maintain their exceptional service paired with exceptional value? Sure the equation includes expertise, and enthusiasm, but it also includes the support and training we offer in all facets of our company. AAA DoorTeks would like to attribute some of that success to the International Door Association after becoming accredited in 2013. Founded in 1995, the IDA’s primary mission is to:
“..provide programs and services to door and access systems dealers, for the express purpose of enhancing their value and professionalism. Door and access systems dealers sell, install and service a vast array of products including: residential doors and operators, commercial doors and operators, fire doors, and gates.”
With this accreditation, we have taken full advantage of training programs, webinars, EXPOS and educational seminars, to improve our customer satisfaction and to grow as professionals. If you are considering remodeling your garage door or installing a new dock or fire door for your business, it is essential that you choose a company representing the International Door Association. They offer the proper certification and educational material needed for the job to be done correctly, the first time.
Today, our 2014 IDA plaque arrived in the mail! We’re very excited to extend our membership into 2014 and cannot wait to continue to grow as a company to offer exceptional service paired with exceptional value.
When Your Door Has Caught a Cold

January 6, 2014 | Posted in Uncategorized | By aaadoorteks
Today, January 6, 2014 in sunny, but freezing Geneva, Illinois, our customers are experiencing some tough love from their garages. If you’re experiencing a garage that is slow to open or close, or simply won’t budge, it is time for troubleshooting! This is particularly a hassle in this frigid tundra we’re dealing with in Northern Illinois, so you might want to give us a call at 1-800-TEK-TEKS and we’ll send our medics to help your sick door.
Garage doors and the openers are fickle, complicated and not meant to be operated on without proper training and knowledge of the like. We do not recommend you troubleshoot yourself as it can be dangerous and one should use extreme caution if attempting the following.
With that said, there are many DIY-ers that cannot help but try to explore ways to get their garage working again in temperatures like this. We understand, and have a couple tips for the handy-person you might be:
1. Check the force setting. This should be done every season as the temperature can greatly effect the functionality of your door, especially if the façade is made of wood. You might still have a lower setting on your opener from the warmer weather, so this could be a quick fix that will increase the speed of your door.
2. If you find your garage is attempting to close, but midway through, it opens back up, allowing wintery intruders to raise your heating costs, this could also be a force-setting issue. Check your owner’s manual, as the force screws are different per model of garage door. One screw will be labeled “up” and one will be labeled “down”, and by adjusting and testing this with your remote, you should be able to completely close or open your garage door.
Remember, if these troubleshooting ideas don’t help you fix your door, we have 24 hour emergency service available for you every day! Just give us a call at 1-800-835-8357 or email us at
AAA DoorTeks Stocking Stuffers

December 20, 2013 | Posted in Uncategorized | By aaadoorteks
On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me, something I actually need!
Although the song The Twelve Days of Christmas refers to Christmastide and the 11 days following December 25th, we are offering stocking stuffers that your love will appreciate years after the holidays. We’ve consulted Santa, and he agrees that our top 5 stocking stuffers are the perfect gifts for all homeowners, whether you’ve been nice or even a little naughty.
1. Keyless Entry
If you have children that get home early from school, or if you have a tendency to lock yourself out of the house, the key-less entry will be a much appreciated solution for your sweetie.
2. Extra Remote Entry
With a variety of remotes to choose from, we carry most models, ranging from a simple 3-button remote to an application you can run on your smartphone. For a consultation as to which remote will suit you and your family, give us a call and our installation experts will customize a remote entry package.
3. Opener
New Opener’s are a great holiday gift for your own Tim-The-Tool-Man-Taylor.
4. Quiet Opener
With custom track alignment, isolation mounts, nylon rollers and a DC motor, your family will sleep soundly through the night.
5. Winter-time Insulation Package
Oh the weather outside is frightful, but inside your garage, your cars and tools are so delightful. And do you know why that is? It is because you bought your family our Winter-Time Insulation Package. We’ll add adjustments, a bottom seal, and interior seals, and it will make a world of difference in your heating bill.
That’s all for now! Happy Holidays and best wishes for 2014,
AAA DoorTeks